7 Best Platformer Games 2018 - Offline Games

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March 16, 2018

7 Best Platformer Games 2018

Platform games are still on trend no matter how oldest genres it is all of the video games. Mario franchise is the most successful and popular out of all time among the entire genre.

For, the platform gamers we are back with the best platformer games on android.

So here is the 7 best platformer games for Android:


1. Adventure Island Games

Adventure Island is a developer on google play. They have some great platformer games for android. There are 2 best platformer titles the first one is super dangerous dungeons this game is classic retro style platformer.

You have to kill evils, avoid pitfalls and obstacle. Both games are free but include ads, though. Such a good graphics and smooth controls will make you addictive to this game.

2. Badland 1 and 2

Badland 1 and 2 are among the best platformer games for android. You are playing the role of world’s native. This is a tough role in the game but if you are strong then you will go through it.

Your task is to avoid various obstacles and puzzles to the end in this platformer games.  Both games have great graphics and have tons of level, simple controls and many more.

The first is better than the second one; it comes with co-op multiplayer, full support for game controllers and a level editor. The second part is not that bad either but, still isn’t as good as the first one.


3. Dan The Man

This platformer game for Android is the latest platformer games on mobile. In this platformer game, your task is to avoid obstacles, fight bosses and kill bad men.

This platformer game contains 3 modes which are a story mode, battle mode, and endless survival mode.  So paying this game is amazing fun which is 2D based battle game.

It includes abilities, upgradeable weapons and more. This platformer game has a classic platformer experience. It’s a freemium game. With good graphics and amazing controls, you should enjoy this game.


4. Super Phantom Cats

This platformer game is a popular game of 2016. This includes running, jumping around, killing bad guys, avoiding obstacles and solving puzzles. The mechanics of this platformer game is easy to play.

It also has unlockable characters which you can play with. Also comes with bonus levels and for energy drinks, the game only has one real in-app purchase in this platformer game for Android. 

Download This Game for Android

5. SEGA Forever Games

This platformer game series is an old series from big console SEGA. SEGA make so many games in every category in which some of them are platformer game like Sonic, Kid Chameleon, Gunstar Heroes, Ristar Classic, and others.

I must admit that each SEGA games have their own set of mechanics. You can see different graphics in every game. This game series is totally free to play so I can say that you can stock platformer games on cheap.

6. Super Mario Fun

We already know about Super Mario but I can say this platformer game is one of the best platformer on Android. In this game, there are levels and Mario run forward in each level.

The main goal of this platformer game is you have to collect coin as many as you can. You will face challenges like collecting purple coin also in this platformer game for Android.

You can also play this platformer game in multiplayer mode. The game contains great graphics and awesome sound effects. With smooth control, I can say keep running.

7. Vector 1 and 2

These platformer games are most unique and very amazing. This platformer game contains wonderful parkour style gameplay. The graphics of this game are amazing and shadow style.

In this 2D platformer game for Android, you will run in black colour in the bright coloured background using your amazing skills of parkour. These games are very decent and fun.

Over To You:

So these were the 7 Best Android Platformer Games That We Can’t Wait To Play In 2018 you must play/download in 2018.

I hope you loved knowing about above games :)

Which are your favourite Android Platformer Games That We Can’t Wait To Play In 2018 from the above list? Do let me know in the comments below.

Do you know any Best Android Platformer Games ? Do let me know in the comments below.

Don’t forget to share this post with your social media friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google plus :)

P.S we recommend you to bookmark this post as we are going to add more Best Android Platformer Games/ best games in coming days.

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